These Knockout panties are made with environmentally safe fabrics, natural technologies & chemical-free fabrics.
”Your skin will love you for it!” Comfort is the key to all these designs. When wearing our “panties with a purpose” you never...

Birthday Beach Party

Your invited to our Birthday Beach Party on Thurs. May 12th. 4-7pm.  To celebrate our 5th year in business we are bringing you an Amoena Wall. Please RSVP by May 5th 289.337.1508 

Unnecessary Surgery?

According to a new study quoted in McLeans magazine (April 2016),  the number of women with breast cancer having both breasts removed as a preventative measure has tripled from 4% to 12% over the past decade.This research has not been matched by a corresponding...

Celebrating Excellence, we are nominated!

Bodymed Boutique in Burlington is proud to be nominated for a 2016 Burlington Business Award in the category of RETAIL/WHOLESALE (Small) from the Burlington Chamber of Commerce. After months of interviews and meetings, the Burlington Chamber of Commerce is...

Special Event – Nov. 19th 6:30 pm

“Loving your Soul & Adorning your Body”Daja the “Soul Stylist” delivers heightened self-esteem and confidence by introducing refreshing concepts and bringing new awareness to your self-image. If you think this is just another speaker on the...

Happy Spring from BodyMed Boutique!

Hello and happy May to all our valued customers.   Our “new” bathing suits have arrived at the store and they are lovely. We have one pieces, tankinis, bikinis and skirted suits this year. Vibrant colours are in! Available in sizes 8-22.  Our new hot flash PJ’s are on...

February Store Closures

Due to special circumstances our store will special hours the week of Feb 10/14, please read hours below. Special Notice: Our store will be closed: Wednesday Feb. 12, Thursday Feb. 13, and Friday Feb. 14 We will be open:  Tuesday Feb. 11th 10-4 pm and Saturday Feb...


MASTECTOMY (POCKETED) BATHING SUIT BLOWOUT! Sizes 10-22 Many styles and colours to choose from! Were $110.00-125.00 Now $65.00-85.00 Come for a visit.

What you Need to Know

We have started a new page for Lymphedema? and Breast Cancer called,  What you need to Know. Visit    

Learn about the Assisted Devices Program

Ontario Ministry of Health Assistive Devices Program The objective of the Assistive Devices Program (ADP) is to provide consumer centered support and funding to Ontario residents who have long-term physical disabilities and to provide access to personalized assistive...

Divas Shopping Extravaganza

  JOIN US FOR THE “DIVAS” Shopping Extravaganza in support of The Camisole Project! Divas Changing Lives invite you to come out and join us on Thursday, June 6th, 4:30 to 9 pm, for an evening of shopping, demonstrations, food sampling, raffles and lots of fun ....

The Camisole Project

Welcome to our Blog To date we have donated 78  post surgical camisoles to women having surgery for breast cancer. Help us to continue to donate to this worthy cause by supporting “THE CAMISOLE PROJECT”. A loonie goes a long way!  Help out by holding a...

Beautiful You Extravaganza THE CAMISOLE PROJECT

560 Post Surgical Camisoles will be purchased with funds raised at “The Beautiful You Extravaganza” ,  held at The Burlington Holiday Inn and Conference Centre Friday Oct.12th We can now expand BODYMED Boutique’s The Camisole Project to other locations than just...

About the Beautiful You Extravaganza

NEXT YEAR’S BEAUTIFUL YOU EXTRAVAGANZA WILL BE ON: Friday, October 4th, 2013  The “Beautiful You Extravaganza” is a Ladies Night out event to support “The Camisole Project”, featuring a multitude of activities and experiences for all to enjoy. We are celebrating...