The Canadian Breast Cancer Network has composed a helpful guide for newly or recently diagnosed breast cancer patients. There is a great section on tips and checklist to prepare for your medical appointments.

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The CBCN has several blog articles helpful to new patients

For the Newly Diagnosed: Part 1

Point of view: You’ve recently been diagnosed with breast cancer, and you’re overwhelmed, confused, scared, and more. You are still having a hard time accepting being diagnosed and don’t know where to start in finding out more medical information about your diagnosis as well as trying to prepare yourself emotionally. While you’ve probably received some type of handout from you doctor, there’s still more information that you need to wrap your head about this change in your life. Read article

For the Newly Diagnosed : Part 2

A cancer diagnosis comes with many questions. While some of those questions can be answered by your healthcare team, many others cannot. That’s why we have put together this “For the Newly Diagnosed’ two-part series; to help patients who have been newly and recently diagnosed get the answers to their most pressing questions that may not be easily answerable. Read article

There are also more helpful guides here:

Canadian Breast Cancer Network