Most lumps and bumps in the breasts are normal however if you feel something that is abnormal, unusual or different for you, contact your physician.  
Some possible signs of breast cancer are:

  • Lump or Mass in the breast.
  • Change in size or contour of the breast. (Most women have one breast that is a little smaller than the other.  If you notice a sudden or significant change in the size of one breast call your doctor.)
  • Rash/Inflammation/Redness
  • Crusty, dimpled or puckered skin on the breast
  • Orange Peel type effect on skin of breast
  • Inverted nipple (if abnormal for you)
  • Discharge or blood from Nipple. (Some discharge from your nipple can be the sign of an infection. Always get any discharge checked out by a physician.)

*Remember 70-80% of lumps found are NOT cancer.
* If you have always had a lump or lumpy breasts this can be completely normal for you however if a lump changes in size or shape contact your physician.

**The content written here is for informational purposes only. Always seek the advice of a qualified healthcare professional or physician to discuss your concerns about your medical condition(s) and treatment(s). The information written here is not a substitute for medical advice.