Radiation of the breast area may cause some side effects. Usually the onset of side effects is gradual. Despite what many people fear, radiation therapy is relatively easy to tolerate and its side effects are limited to the treated area.
One of the most common side effects is:

Radiation Dermatitis
This is a condition where the skin of the radiated area becomes, irritated and inflamed. Typical symptoms are pink to red skin, (like a sunburn) swelling or inflammation, soreness, sensitivity, dryness, itchiness, peeling skin, and possibly rashes and blisters.
Not everyone will get these side effects.
To help with symptoms, we have put together some tips to help your skin stay as healthy as possible through your treatment. (**Please get advice from your radiation oncologist, radiation technician or nurse on symptom management)
1. Do not use any, oils, lotions, creams or powders immediately before your treatment occurs.
2. Do not expose the radiated area to direct sunlight during your treatment period.  Wear at least a 30 sunscreen or use sun protective clothing. Ask your doctor about long term exposure to the sun in that area
3. Avoid hot water use lukewarm or cool in the shower.
4. Try to use natural and fragrance free products on your skin and avoid harsh chemicals in skin products and moisturizers to help prevent peeling and itchy skin.
5. Wear loose fitting natural fibre clothing (bamboo, cotton) around the area where you are receiving treatment. Soft cotton wireless bras will help to avoid irritation in the breast or underarm area.
6. Keep the area under your arm and under the breast folds dry (cornstarch may help after treatment)

Keep in contact with your radiation specialists and report anything you are not sure about.