Hot Flash Eliminator™ targets intense heat, hot flashes, and excessive sweating in perimenopausal and menopausal women. It also addresses stress, anxiety, and mood swings. Not exclusive to women, it provides quick relief for both men and women undergoing Cancer Radiation Therapy-induced hot flashes.
Comprising carefully chosen flower essences, including Beech, Rock Rose, Star of Bethlehem, and Willow, it effectively controls and eliminates hot flashes. The base is distilled water with alcohol as a preservative, and each bottle is Reiki-energized for added benefits.
At each onset of a hot flash put 2 drops of Hot Flash Eliminator™ under your tongue. This can be repeated as incidences occur. In addition, as a preventative, put 2 drops of Hot Flash Eliminator™ under your tongue three times daily the last time before retiring for the night. This combination of use establishes a prophylactic effect whereby the frequency and intensity of your hot flashes will be diminished considerably over time and wards off night sweats.