Understanding Lymphedema
Lymphedema is a condition most likely caused by the removal or damage of lymph nodes, which can result in swelling and infections. Learn more about lymphedema and how to manage it by exercising, nutrition, MLD and compression garments. Book an appointment with Barb, a...
Tips, Advice, and Guidance for the Newly and Recently Diagnosed
The Canadian Breast Cancer Network has composed a helpful guide for newly or recently diagnosed breast cancer patients. There is a great section on tips and checklist to prepare for your medical appointments. View PDF here The CBCN has several blog articles helpful to...
Benefits of Calendula
Calendula flowers are well known for having antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties. Calendula is a type of plant that is related to the daisy family. Another name for it is Marigold. It has quite a long history as a treatment for many skin...
What is Cording (Axillary (under arm) web syndrome)?
Cording, or the medical term Axillary (under arm) web syndrome sometimes develops as a side effect of axillary lymph node dissection or sentinel lymph node biopsy. Most people diagnosed with breast cancer need to have one or more of these surgeries. These procedures...
Generous Donation from Halton Naval Veterans Association.
đź‘ŹThank you to the Halton Naval Veterans Association for their generous $1000 donation to The Camisole Project. We are thrilled with their donation that helps support women going through breast cancer treatments. Visit their website:...
$2500 donation for The Camisole Project from Joelle’s
Thank you to Joelle’s for the generous donation of $2500 for The Camisole Project. In October 2021, Joelles partnered with Black Robot and Yates & Co. on “Joelle’s X Velvet Limited Edition 25th Anniversary Daisy Tee” Initiative. With...
Covid will never stop kindness!
Kendra just dropped off 460 pairs of cozy socks for our Because.We.Care packages. We are grateful for this generous donation from @socksforhope in collaboration with @burlingtontaxi A huge thank you to Sara,Kendra and their team. We also want to thank everyone in the...
Love Your Legs – Varicose Veins
1 in 5 Canadians suffer from Varicose Veins. The cause of Varicose veins is not really known however it can happen when the superficial veins in the legs are in trouble. Some of the symptoms of Varicose veins in the lower extremities are pain, tingling, numbness, and...
Exercise and Breast Cancer
Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to stay healthy after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Research has shown that women who exercise have an improved quality of life and have fewer side effects during and following treatment. Exercise has also...
What is Arthritis of the hands?
Arthritis is a disease that attacks the tissues of your joints. A joint is where two bones meet. Arthritis can attack the lining of your joint or the cartilage, the smooth covering at the ends of bones. Eventually the cartilage breaks down, the ends of your bones...
The Camisole Project gets a big boost from Burlington Senior Community Inc. and the community.
The Camisole Project lost many of the donated items used in their Because We Care Packages due to a serious flood at BodyMed Boutique (facilitator of the project). Barb Daize (founder), was heartbroken to have lost care items used in the packages she gives away to...
Is your leg health at risk?
If you are one of the thousands of Canadians working from home due to the coronavirus, you’re probably spending more hours in chairs that weren’t designed for long periods of sitting. Unfortunately, it is possible that your leg health is at risk. Inactivity, just like...
10th Anniversary Celebration
We are thrilled to be celebrating our 10th anniversary, which is actually May 18th, 2021. We are giving away a gift with each purchase for the month of May 2021. We are having an anniversary giveaway draw for 10 prizes or gift cards. Contest runs May 1-18, 2021 with...
Our store is open
At BodyMed Boutique, our top priority is to keep our customers &staff safe and healthy! WE ARE AGAIN UNDER A MANDATED STAY-AT-HOME ORDER. Our store is OPEN as we are considered an essential business. We are booking appointments to allow the recommended number of...
Looking after our mental health
(WHO-World Health Organization) As countries introduce measures to restrict movement as part of efforts to reduce the number of people infected with COVID-19, more and more of us are making huge changes to our daily routines. The new realities of working from home,...
Humor to Help us Cope
Humor is an essential tool to help us to cope with tough situations! Laughter through adversity can give us some strength and helps us to feel more in control. Some studies found that a good laugh can boost dopamine levels in our brain and possibly bolster our immune...
Win A Holiday Gift Box
This beautiful box is full of $450 worth of product that has been generously donated. Tickets available in store for $10. 1 ticket= 1 chance to win. All proceeds to The Camisole Project! Ticket sales start Dec 1/20 and Draw will take place Dec 18th/20 Items in box...
New Fall 2020 Bras
Who doesn’t like a new bra? You feel feminine and special. Here are some new pocketed Amoena bras in store for Fall 2020.